Wednesday 11 February 2009

1st Project

For our first media project we were asked to film a short media clip around 2 minutes long thathad to consist ofsomeone opening a door, and walking up a set of stairs and a conversation with another person. When we began we didnt have many ideas and just started filming different scenes with no clear idea of what we intending to do. But as we progressed through more lessons we began to come up with ideas and a storyline that we could film scenes to. This then led to us completely scraping or first idea because we had a better dialogue to go with, instead of our comedy we decided to go for more of a thriller and we managed to get the scenes we wanted.

We started our project with a running chase were you clearly see the main character in the sequence, this shot is then followed by a point of veiw shot that was put in to create suspense as the stalker followed the victim. This sequence continues as the victim runs away from the stalker to add to the effect we had to put in some creative shots, this meant using different angles and shots. To do this we had to position ourselves in various locations, for egsample we positioned ourselves behind bushes to act as the stalkers point of veiw to create suspense. But for the chase scenes we got ontop of the garage in order to get a high angle shot of the chase which gave the veiwer a shot of both the people in the chase. We then had some low angle shots of both the people running past which helped to build tension. By this point we decided we needed to put in a soundtrack that had a slow beat to it, this would help to keep the suspence in our project and later when we went to edit we realised we could fit the track with the tempo of the film and when we had got the finished article i felt it had worked rellay well with it!

Doing the first project made me realise how to put a film together and what works well this will help us to produce our main peice because we know the techniques to use and how to edit them on a computer.

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