Thursday 19 March 2009


Between the four group members many of the roles were shared between the group evenly and we all got a good chance to put an imput into the camera, editing, sound and mis-en-scene. When we had decided to do a thriller I went off to go and search thrillers such as Eden Lake and The Strangers . I chose to go and search the openings of these particular thrillers because they were set in a similar setting to us and they were both very modern. This may not have given the group many ideas but it helped us realise what goes into the opening sequence of a thriller. After we had looked at a few openings to thrillers/horrors we then went on to deciding what we wanted to do with our opening, during this i did not get many points across but the main ones were to use a Monk and the location of Joe's sacrafice which both were appreciated by the group and those who watched our opening sequence. I also suggested that we filmed partcular shots such as the car scene were we see the monk out the window and when Sam picks up the crucifix.
When filming inparticular we used a few of my shots of inside the car and the pan from right to left and then back to right when James chases Joe up the hill, which i felt established to the audience what sort of distance Joe was ahead because all the other shots only showed either 1 of them.

When we had got all the shots and filming done we put it all on the computer to get it ready for some editing, at this particular point teh group split up and 2 focused on getting a good sequence of shots together whilst James and I went on to such for music and suspense sounds that would work well in our piece. As soon as the other to had come up with a basic sequence of what they thought looked good we all started to focus on the main project and all changes were discussed. This meant me and James could influence some of the changes being made and straight away we decided that we needed a whole new driving scene and that the chase scene before Joe sacrafices himself needed to be changed, this meant going out again when the weather was similar and wearing all the same costumes to keep continuity. When the group went out again we decided to change the location of the chase scene and to use more cameras so the shots would flow better because we could cut them and put them into a new clip clearer which ended up working well. We also came up with the idea for a wide establishing shot of the hill to, to show the audience the location of the filming.

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