Sunday 15 March 2009


When deciding what we wanted to happen in our project we had many ideas of what we wanted to put into it and this is what we came up with, in brief:
The film would be about a normal boy who is on his way home on a normal day, he comes across a monk in the woods as he drives by and decides to take no notice of it as he believes it was probably a trick of the light. That night he has a bad dream about the monk he sees him appearing in all these locations on the hill, he wakes from the dream taunted by the monk whos spirit is within his house. The next day Sam decides to go out to the hill as he would any other day, on the way there he comes accross a possesed boy who is under the control of the monk who has persuaded him into killing himself for the monk, he chases him up the hill but the boy manages to get away with enougth time to jump off the edge of the hill. When Sam witnesses this he realises that the hill is haunted and feels he needs to find out more about the hill. On his quest to find out how the hill is possesed he comes across a variety of people who know about the hill, he also comes across many more possesed people and decides he needs to stop the monk. Along the way he comes across many supprises and realises the monk is not who he first thought he was and towards the end of the film we see Sam get close to finding out the real identity of the monk.

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