When evalluating the finished product we looked at whether we had achieved our aims, everything we wanted to do is represented in our opening sequence and any changes we wanted to make worked well with the opening sequence we were goin for. When analysing what we had done we wanted to get the opinions of other groups, teachers and students so there wasnt i biast opinion of it, we also did this towards the end of our project incase any chages needed to be made before we put the final touches on it.
Between the group and the people that watched we came to the conclusion that the audience would enjoy our opening because it does not give to much of the opening away it introduces you to a bit of the storyline enticing you to find out more and gives the audience a reason to find out more because there is evidence left to tell us that Sam may go on to find out who this monk is, what he is doing, why he is doing it ect. When we asked the audience what they felt about our peice we got replys like, "I loved the music it was really effective in the last sequence" and "ahh the music flows really well" this was really good news for us seeing as one of the main aims of the group was to have good audio in the background and from peoples reactions they did. Especially after we had spent so much time finding the right songs to go with the moments. But this wasnt always positive feedback on the audio, earlier in producing the opening sequence the feedback was "naa that song doesnt go with the sequence" ect. This made us realise that we were too focused on finding music we liked instead of going for things that worked well with the opening sequence and between us we managed to decide what we wanted to do about the audio situation and we devided the group up so that we could find different ideas and try a range so that we were gettin different ideas and inputs into the production. Then when we showed people again there reactions were alot more positive.
When we came about deciding whether the rating we gave our film was ok we had to ask the opinions of teachers and other staff because they would have more knowledge that the other students we would of asked. And the majority of them came out with 12 and media teachers suggesting it should have been 12 in the US which was exactly what we were going for which was good news.
Looking over our finished project I realised how much of the project I liked, there were many shots end pieces of editing I found that I liked for e.g there were 2 shots in the middle of our sequence that i thought worked really well one of them being the traking shot by Oscar were he follows Joe through the woods which is really effectiv and the way it has been edited to flow with the following shot of both James and Joe running through the woods, I think it is good because we get too see a different shot of Joe running and it then flows back to James and pans across with James in shot so we see the both of them. This shot works relly well with what we were going for because it shows the audience clearly that James is not as close to Joe as we thought because in the previous shots it does not show it to the audience that well, this was an added bonus of having the audience commenting on our peice because it ment we could change it to suit them rather than what we wanted. There were also other parts of our project that I was happy with such as the monk suit and location we chose, and we were really pleased with the establashing shot we managed to get of the hill and everyone that saw it felt it was a good establashing shot to especially because it shows were the evens will be taken place right at the beggining of our sequence. Although I felt personally that there were still little details that we could of done to make our project better, things like the sequences leading up to and out of his dream did not flow as I would of liked into our project. But other that that I felt the project went as planned and better than I thought in places especially the audio, were we spent alot of time deciding what would go well with what and took time coming to descisions about what we should put in.
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